Review of Popular OrcaTorch D710 Dive Light
Kasper Wendelboe
review articles
The orca torch D710 is my favorite torch of all time, living in Denmark where it is often very very dark underwater, also during the summer, it is a must-have. if you go below around 10 meters, that torch is what I bring, it can Be primary, backup, or used as light for My underwater camera photos.
The light and beam are perfect for All use, and I Will be sure to bring them on Any night dives. on my next trip to the red sea. It Will be packed with My diving gear. Are Thinking about getting a new trey and gear for My camera so I can have two D710's at the same time.
The image I have chosen to share with you, is from a late summer dive this year, at around 18 meters under a bridge. Strong currents, no light at all, I guess it looks like a night dive. I looked around the large rocks and pillars using the orcatorch D710 and saw this crab on his throne, I Hoped that I would get the light green of the crab as he was sitting there minding his own business and the beautiful yellow color of the coral, and guess what I think I did, thanks to the OrcaTorch.
Below you see the photo, so glad to have great light at a Challenging diversity. Hope you like it. Been using orc torches for some time now I also have the D530 and I love both, top of they class, robust, trustworthy easy to use. No Wonder they Are known throughout the world, and I know we haven't seen it all yet. It is early Winther here now, the days Are much dark er, the water a lot cold er. But that means here in Denmark that water also is much clearer. So off to the next dive with the D710 in my pocket.